Traditional religion can be replaced by rational ideas


brown painted infrastructure beside trees
Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) Basilica under construction since 1882. Barcelona Spain

(INTRODUCTION: This is the initial post for this blog, “”.  This post has a long and personally significant history.  It initially appeared as a letter to the editor in the Columbus Dispatch in late 2007.  I was gratified by the response.  That Sunday morning the phone rang several times, early, and I ignored them, cursing “those damn telemarketers.”  After several more calls I finally answered to find a lady asking it I was the author of this morning’s letter.  She went on to explain how moved she was, literally, saying she shouted, “Yes!” at one point while reading, and leaped up from the couch.  The following week I received a half dozen letters expressing appreciation for my effort.  A Sunday School teacher wrote that he intended to use it with his teen-age group to provoke discussion.  One scrawled and rambling letter explained how I was going to Hell.  This current post is a slightly revised version of that original, letter.) 


Sometimes in presidential races, religion becomes a topic.  That was the case in 2008 and especially in the Iowa caucus.  Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney spoke passionately about his religious beliefs because they were apparently adversely affecting some Iowans.  The editor of our local Columbus newspaper interviewed E. Gordon Gee, President of The Ohio State University (Columbus Dispatch 12/2/2007) who hopes we can “restore civility and thoughtfulness to politics.”

The first obstacle cited, by Gee, to this “more civilized political discourse” was religious prejudice and ignorance.  Gee is a Mormon, as is his friend Romney.  He said it was “hogwash” to think that Romney would govern differently, or that he, Gee, would administer a university differently because of their religious belief.

Here at NatureReligionConnection, we believe that, but also that there is more to say.  We think it is ‘hogwash’ that there is so little civil and thoughtful discourse about religion. Politics aside, the Christmas season was then in full swing and that, too, made it an excellent time to ask: how is it that so many of us hold so many different, so many contradictory, so many fanciful religious opinions?  If Gee and Romney want thoughtful political discourse then let us start a thoughtful discourse about religion to accompany it.

For example, Mormons believe that in the year 1823 in Palmyra, New York, (not exactly a ‘mecca’ of religious activity!) an angel named Moroni helped Joseph Smith obtain buried golden tablets that were written in an ancient language about an ancient people that once lived there.  Mormon, the author of the plates, was a prophet and historian for these people, the Nephites, who had come from Jerusalem to the New World in 600 B.C. by boat.

In the New World, the Nephites created a great civilization, eventually destroyed but not before Jesus Christ came to them soon after his resurrection and personally ministered to them.  Joseph Smith used special stones (the Urim and Thummim) that came with the plates and allowed him to translate them into the Book of Mormon, the sole source of this ‘history.’  After the translation, the angel Moroni took the tablets back for safekeeping, but not before they were shown to 11 witnesses (see the front of the Book of Mormon for their testimony). Mormons believe that the Nephites are the ancestors of Native American Indians.

That’s a unique twist on Christianity, and—for good reasons—most of us don’t believe it, unless you were born in Utah.

ancient architecture asia buildings
Photo by Pixabay on

Another belief that most Americans don’t hold:  In the year 610 A.D. Muhammad was fasting and praying in a cave outside of Mecca, now Saudi Arabia.  He wished his people to possess a book like the Jews and Christians and finally on this occasion, after days of prayer and abstinence, the Angel Gabriel appeared and ordered him to “recite.”  He could not, so the angel took him in something like a bear hug and held Muhammad till breathless and again ordered him to “recite.”  But nothing came forth.

Finally, after releasing him from a third embrace, Muhammad, gasping for breath, found the opening words of the Quran tumbling from his mouth.  Muslims don’t believe that Christianity is wrong but simply that it is incomplete, that the Quran completes the teachings about God.

We don’t believe that story either, certainly not in any literal sense, but one billion people from North Africa through the Middle East and deep into Asia do, and many of them now live in the United States and Europe.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful:                                                      All Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Universe.

“The Opening”  of the Quran, Surah Al-Fatih

Finally, a story that many Americans subscribe to.  It’s a familiar story and one that profoundly moves us especially during the holiday season.  We won’t repeat it in detail; it too involves angels, ancient events, a special book, ascension into heaven, a pregnancy without sex, and a god who was also a man.  Of course, this story is just as hard to believe.

Many Americans do believe, it’s our story, but of course intimate familiarity is the primary criterion for belief in any religion.  If you were born and raised into it, you believe it.

But it is more than intimate familiarity that is at work, it is also the feelings of connection, metaphysical insight and deeper purposes engendered by religious beliefs that is cited by believers as evidence of truthfulness.  All serious Mormons, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. feel the validity of their faith; and since this feeling is had by all it is no proof to any for their specific stories.

It’s time to say what we believe.   Here at The Connection, we believe that ethics and morality are real things but are degraded by supernatural explanations.  We believe that the “faith” of religious believers is really their intuition of their actual involvement in something that is larger than themselves, that is the source of meaning, and that is of immense value.

A small but significant discourse is underway centered around courageous biologists and other theorists, who seek to gain our assent through reason and evidence that is accessible to all regardless of place of birth and socialization.  Traditional religion can be replaced, and interestingly it is the science of biology that is leading the way.  The design of the natural world, always the best argument for the existence of God, is being understood by evolutionary theory to be “That Large Thing” mentioned above.

Backyard Tulip and The Tree of   Life    (picture by Greg WW)


It is the Tree of Life, and we humans are incorporated in the inner relations of this Biosphere.  As physician and medical researcher, Lewis Thomas wrote, “the earth is a loosely formed, spherical organism.”  So, it is with scientific justification that we can, with affection, admiration and even awe, look to our planet and gain inspiration.  It is Mother Earth, of which we are a part: Our planet is a massive and irreplaceable piece of living art.

If this scientific discourse can continue and expand, and if each of us have the courage to examine our own basic beliefs, we, here at the naturereligionconnection, believe that traditional religion can be replaced by more rational and uniform ideals.  Mother Nature’s human creatures will then have a sounder basis for civility and thoughtfulness in our political relations.

Termite mound in Africa (thanks to Hauns in Africa for photo).  Opening post photo is the Catherdral in Barcelona, Spain, Sagrada Familia.  Designed by Architect Antoni Gaudi, construction began in 1882 and is expected to be finished in 2026!  Its resemblance to a termite mound is sometimes acknowledged.


Logo drawing by Marty!

6 thoughts on “Traditional religion can be replaced by rational ideas

  1. Unless you introduce Animism into your discussion, you may be missing an interesting perspective worth reviewing.


    1. Thanks, Rick, for your comment on my blog. IT IS THE ONLY ONE I HAVE EVER RECEIVED!!!!!! Please make another one! It would be so refreshing and SO MUCH MORE THAN ANY OF MY SIBS ARE DOING! Rita! Also, Rita ! , nothing happens if you give one of my blogs A REAL “LIKE” !!!


  2. Continued..even though Animism can be considered a form of religion, it is a comfortable tale of creation that isn’t based on fear and control, rather centered on harmony, meaning no disrespect to the natural order provided.


    1. Thanks Rick for the comment! Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I am still learning to use this media.
      I will certainly consider Animism as a trove of interesting lore but to overly Personify or Deify animals or trees (for example) is mysticism. I take the title of this Blog seriously though: NATURERELIGIONCONNECTION. I’m not sure what it will come to in the end. This is an open research project. As I see it now, if anything has a shot at being Revered and even ‘prayed to’ it is Mother Nature as a huge and on-going process that has a ‘direction’ or purpose, and encompasses who we are as one of Her creations. So, next May 1st (May Day), you may possibly find me dancing around a May Pole (clothing optional). Care to join me, bring your lovely wife? (for our readers, in general, the clothing comment was just a joke) Thanks Rick


  3. Mysticism or religion, what is the difference? If you believe in virgin births, being raised from a lotus blossom, disappearing golden tablets or non-human dieties, does it really seem wrong to consider that all living things are spiritually related in the universe, not just humans. Do you believe in a dog heaven, or that a mayfly is here for 24 hours then gone forever in the abyss. We believe in a higher power to try and make sense of our everday lives. I don’t think any religious dogma is better than another, just different. I have my own religious beliefs, they don’t belong to anyone else, and I don’t plan on explaining or preaching them, just live by them. I find comfort in the notion that an oak tree or a giraffe is my relative too and nobody can say it isn’t so. I like what you’re doing…fun food for thought!


    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Rick! You ask some good questions.

      I would say the difference between religion and mysticism is Religion has more Doctrines and mysticism relies more on some Immediate Feeling of Unity with the supernatural force. Like Kabbalah in Judaism, or even some of the sects within Islam, like the whirling Dervishes or even Shia Islam itself, which marches on the day of the death of Hussein and identifies themselves with his sacrifice by self-flagellation—all these groups reach ecstatic and frenzied states of (supposed) Unity.

      But that is not what a Nature Religion would be about, in my mind. There would be a connection to mysticism, though, and that would be a Feeling and Understanding that Humans and All Living Things are “inextricably connected” as Lewis Thomas (cancer researcher, columnist and former director of the Sloan Cancer Institution) contended. This Feeling of connection would be grounded in scientific knowledge of the reality of that connection. In that sense. I would humbly disagree with you that The Connection is Spiritual, I would say it is material, scientific and the basis of our Mindfulness. In this way, I would hope to avoid the “to each his own” beliefs that so foul up humanities efforts “to get its shit together” and act more in unison on some obviously righteous issues like Global Climate Change, Democratic Rights and Fair Wages. Its not “to each his own belief;” its get up to speed with the best ideas of today!

      Here at the Nature Religion Connection, I hope we can reach our sense of Unity with Persons and Nature in this improved manner. Great comments, Rick!

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